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  Installation, Care & Warranty > Internet Sales Policy
Internet Sales Policy

Palmetto Road by Palmetto Road Floors Hardwood Floors will not honor any warranty claim for any product purchased over the internet, nor will we accept any returns for any such products. Palmetto Road Floors has strived to be a manufacturer that delivers quality, beauty and performance. Yet, even the highest quality hardwood floor is no better than the individual who installs it. That is why Palmetto Road by Palmetto Road Floors offers our floors only through Authorized Retailers.

To be qualified as an Authorized Retailer, a store must have a current Palmetto Road display, maintain an updated sample selection, and offer a full-service installation service. In recent years, Palmetto Road has noted more and more individuals using the internet to sell flooring products to consumers. Some are reputable businesses, but unfortunately, others have no more resources than an internet address. Before making the decision to purchase an Palmetto Road floor from an internet site, please consider the following:

1. Palmetto Road will not honor a warranty claim without a prior inspection by the Authorized Retailer who sold you the product and provide the necessary information which may include having the floor professionally inspected by an authorized Palmetto Road Representative who has been Certified by The National Wood Flooring Association This can prove difficult or impossible with an internet dealer as they may be located across the country from you.
2. In order for the warranty to be valid, an Authorized Palmetto Road Retailer must provide the manufacturer proof that the product received was first quality material. When dealing with internet companies, finding a contact person can prove to be very difficult.
3. Poor installation is the number one cause of consumer dissatisfaction. Authorized Palmetto Road Retailers stand behind their installation. They have a reputation in their communities to maintain. Internet retailers put this on you. Are you comfortable assessing an installer’s skill level?
4. One service Authorized Palmetto Road Retailers provide is sending a representative to your home to measure prior to the quote. These representatives are qualified to ensure you order the right amount of material needed for the job, and that the product you have selected is properly suited for the area where it is to be installed. Internet retailers require the consumer to do the estimating; a job that is better left to the professionals. And just how can they recommend a product to you without actually seeing where it is being installed?

Internet retailers pay the same price as your local Authorized Palmetto Road Retailer for our products. If the internet price is significantly less than a local Authorized Palmetto Road Retailer’s price prior to installation, you may not be buying the same thing! We know this to be true because we have actually uncovered internet retailers selling counterfeit products, while representing them to be authentic.

Buying hardwood floors on the internet is different than shopping at your local floor covering retailer. Before you buy online, it is important to know what you are agreeing to in the contract. We recommend that you search for an Authorized Palmetto Road in Retailer in your area. One way to do this is to visit the search area on our website. It is located at the top of each web page at “find a store” where you just need to enter your zip code

If you are having trouble locating a dealer in your area please contact us at 1-866-599-7999 and we will be glad to direct you to either information on dealers in your area or to a distributor that services your area to help you

The purchase of Palmetto Road Hardwood Flooring from an unauthorized dealer or via the internet will automatically void any manufacturer's warranty. An authorized dealer is not allowed to sell and ship material outside their local territory, particularly into another distributor’s territory.

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Internet Sales Policy.

The purchase of Palmetto Road Hardwood Flooring from an unauthorized dealer or via the internet will automatically void any manufacturer’s warranty. An authorized dealer is not allowed to sell and ship material outside their local territory, particularly into another distributors territory.
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