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  Installation, Care & Warranty > Commercial Warranty
Commercial Warranty

The Manufacturer extends a five-year light commercial warranty to the original purchaser of Palmetto Road prefinished hardwood flooring products.

Engineered Hardwood Flooring
The Manufacturer warrants Palmetto Road engineered hardwood flooring product lines against manufacturing defects caused by improper milling, grading, and coating. Damages caused by improper transportation, storage, and installation are not covered. The Manufacturer is liable only for the defective flooring that exceeds 5% of the original hardwood flooring purchase order, and will only repair or replace such defective material, excluding the cost of transportation, storage, and installation.

Warranty Exclusions
The following is not covered under this warranty agreement:
• Indentations, scratches or damage caused by negligence, water, sand, every day wear, or abuse, including natural occurring changes in color from exposure to light.
• Failure to follow manufacturer's installation instructions, including but not limited to failure to use approved adhesives, moisture barriers, surface checking resulting from low relative humidity and/or mildew, discoloration, or cupping resulting from extreme sub-floor moisture.
• Failure to provide proper environmental conditions, including but not limited to maintaining proper humidity levels.
• Poor installation workmanship.
• Improper care and maintenance.
• Milling Defects: Occasional defects in flooring from mis-milling or handling damage do occur. While manufacturer's flooring is supplied in a clear grade, similar to NOFMA's guidelines for oak flooring, standard trade practice allows for up to 5% of the square footage to contain wood below grade and/or with milling defects. Order 5% to 7% more material than needed, allowing for waste from crosscutting and fitting pieces on-site, as well as crosscutting out defects. During installation, occasional knots and defects will be encountered including machining snipes, wanes, splits, and areas on the face that will not clean up. Simply crosscut out the defects and use the remaining sections to start or finish a row. If your installer discovers a reoccurring problem, or determines the waste to be excessive, stop immediately and call the service department at the Manufacturer at 650-873-8029 to review the problem before proceeding. The Manufacturer will, at its option, either send replacement flooring, credit you for that portion of flooring which fails to make grade, or refund the cost of the flooring in full. DO NOT install defective flooring. You will be the final judge of acceptable quality. Flooring that has been installed is deemed to be acceptable. The Manufacturer shall not be responsible for costs associated with installing, finishing, and/or replacing of flooring installed with obvious defects.
• Color Fastness
All woods are sensitive to light and/or oxygen, and over time, will change color, developing a unique patina. Native species, such as Walnut, lighten over time. Cherry, on the other hand darkens. In general, water based finishes tend to inhibit the degree of change, while oil based finishes allow a more pronounced change to occur.
• Color and Grain Variation
Wood is a natural material and no two pieces are the same in so much as no two trees are the same. And the same species can vary, based on the geographic area from which it was harvested. The Manufacturer cannot be responsible for claims arising from flooring that possesses a greater range of grain/color variation than found in samples supplied by dealers.
• Damage to finish caused by leaving 3-M Blue Tape on face of product for a period in excess of 24 hours or damage caused by the use of any other tape other than 3-M Blue Tape. Floor protection should never be fixed in place by taping the material to the installed flooring, no claim by that application will be honored.

Terms and Conditions
The terms of this warranty become valid upon final payment and successful installation of the product. The use of floor care products other than those recommended by the Manufacturer may damage flooring and void this warranty. Inquiries regarding this warranty should be directed to the retailer where the original purchase was made. If the retailer is unable to satisfy your request, contact the Palmetto Road Floors customer service department.
Except as expressly set forth above, the Manufacturer makes no warranty, express or implied, whether relating to merchantability, fitness for particular purpose or otherwise, and the Manufacturer disclaims all warranties not expressly set for the above commercial warranty.

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IMPORTANT: The commercial warranty information shown on this page does not apply to Charleston Collection. Please download the commercial warranty for Charleston Collection below separately:

Commercial Warranty for Charleston Collection.

The purchase of Palmetto Road Hardwood Flooring from an unauthorized dealer or via the internet will automatically void any manufacturer’s warranty. An authorized dealer is not allowed to sell and ship material outside their local territory, particularly into another distributors territory.
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